Writers Corner - The Writing Den

The Writing Den of: Lee Thomas Richards

“Wait, what’s that red light?”
About Me:

Father, Author, Software Engineer - In that order. Husband to a awesome wife, and trying to be the best dad I can be to my two greatest creations, my girls.
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Active Projects: 2020

Snow Depth Trilogy:

Book 1: Hal’s Tale (Released)
Book 2: Gen’s Tale (Dec 2020)
Book 3: (Concept Phase)

Raw Data Trilogy:
Genre: Science Fiction

Complete but not yet queued for a review phase. My first and still my favourite, a simple action Sci-Fi.

Falling Without Light:
Genre: Fantasy / Horror

My own personal nemesis, will it ever be finished? Too complicated to explain in just a paragraph but a great story.

Top To Bottom:
Genre: Action / Sci-Fi

Complete, currently seeking agent representation.

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