The Writing Den

The Writing Den of: Lee Thomas Richards

“Wait, what’s that red light?”
About Me:

Father, Author, Software Engineer - In that order. Husband to a awesome wife, and trying to be the best dad I can be to my two greatest creations, my girls.
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Active Projects: 2020

Snow Depth Trilogy:

Book 1: Hal’s Tale (Released)
Book 2: Gen’s Tale (Dec 2020)
Book 3: (Concept Phase)

Raw Data Trilogy:
Genre: Science Fiction

Complete but not yet queued for a review phase. My first and still my favourite, a simple action Sci-Fi.

Falling Without Light:
Genre: Fantasy / Horror

My own personal nemesis, will it ever be finished? Too complicated to explain in just a paragraph but a great story.

Top To Bottom:
Genre: Action / Sci-Fi

Complete, currently seeking agent representation.

Home:  Is Where You Recharge Your Stuff   

Welcome to my sanctuary, here you will be able to find information regarding any of my writing works already released or those that I am currently working on.

If you would like to talk to me or discuss any of the novels I have released so far please feel free to email me on the address at the bottom of this page. Alternatively please feel free to follow me on twitter but be warned, rants may be part of me daily tweeting.
Current Content:  

Hal’s Tale now available for download via the Amazon Kindle eBook store [12/04/2012]. If you fancy a read go check it out.

Such a long time ago now and my first attempt at speed writing a book.
The whole project took less that 21 days to complete.

Gen’s Tale, book two of the Snow Depth trilogy, will be available soon.
Please pop back from time to time to check on its progress.

The black book of ideas is all full of good things in store for both Gen and Hal. At this point 50% of the book is down in a first draft. The second half has been recorded but needs committing. Never fear, it has not been forgotten.
New Editing Partner:

Yes, you read that correctly. I am now working with an editor, an interesting experience and one that is keeping me actively pushing forwards. Both a challenging and rewarding experience.

I look forward to being able to publish my first works under the watchful eye and skillful guidance of the editor.

Advice For New Writers:

Please check my blog which can be found at both Blogger and also the Writers Corner page of my website. The blog aims to provide information related to writing techniques, up and coming works and general rants.

Where possible I aim to be as helpful as I can, nurturing new and aspiring writers as they begin their paths as an author.

Any lessons learnt that I can share with you I will, in the attempt to make your path in writing all the more easier. Please feel free to contact me to discuss any subject you wish me to cover in more detail.

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