404 - The Writing Den

The Writing Den of: Lee Thomas Richards

“Wait, what’s that red light?”
About Me:

Father, Author, Software Engineer - In that order. Husband to a awesome wife, and trying to be the best dad I can be to my two greatest creations, my girls.
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Active Projects: 2020

Snow Depth Trilogy:

Book 1: Hal’s Tale (Released)
Book 2: Gen’s Tale (Dec 2020)
Book 3: (Concept Phase)

Raw Data Trilogy:
Genre: Science Fiction

Complete but not yet queued for a review phase. My first and still my favourite, a simple action Sci-Fi.

Falling Without Light:
Genre: Fantasy / Horror

My own personal nemesis, will it ever be finished? Too complicated to explain in just a paragraph but a great story.

Top To Bottom:
Genre: Action / Sci-Fi

Complete, currently seeking agent representation.

Top To Bottom

So what's next in the pipeline? As you can see to the right we have the first concept artwork for the up and coming release of 'Top To Bottom' a science fiction novel.

It's getting close, that's all I can really say at this point. I do not want to ruin the surprise but check back from time to time as this page will be updated as we get closer to the official release date.
Up & Coming:

So what's next, good question and in no particular order here is the answer.

  • Top to Bottom is now complete.
  • Revisit Gen's Tale, and complete a first draft.
  • Rework Hal's Tale into the long version.
  • Complete the framework of my latest sci-fi project.
  • Seek a new agent.
  • Revisit back catalogue of work and publish schedule for 2020
  • Upload Raw Data to Amazon Kindle.
  • Generate a timetable calendar for the website.

Lots to do, it's a good job I do not sleep.
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